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Why you should buy and share Reflo Podpress

Australian’s love affair with coffee has not waned during the last nine months. We are dedicated to our daily ritual of a kickstart with any one of about ten variations on the theme of coffee and milk. And the time we spend savouring our brews is a cathartic experience, refreshing our physical and psyche state. But our many cafes and skilled baristas have for the most part been dormant for the winter, and the pandemic crisis. Thankfully we are emerging from restrictions, and a take-away coffee is now relatively easy to get. We are on the road to a COVID-normal environment.

Just as we have all embraced the “Zoom meeting” phenomenon, the “Click-and-Collect shopping scene, and the many on-line food delivery services, For their morning cuppa, Australians have by necessity turned to home coffee machines, of which the Nespresso brand has become synonymous. The expanding “work-from-home” culture is the obvious immediate driver, but actually this is all part of a global trend towards security and convenience.


Purchasing a Reflo Podpress rewards Australian innovation, acknowledges the importance of R&D and commercialisation in Australia, and convinces our technology customers the we are standing as “Good Citizens” to back this new product that is superbly convenient.

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